Fit, pattern and 3D expertise

Turn promising technologies into a systematic tool and achieve a better fit and convincing visualisation in a faster development time.

Provide your team with targeted training:

  • Build up basic knowledge of fit and pattern.
  • Identify and rectify problems at an early stage to improve the fit.
  • Get to know the potential and opportunities of 3D technologies.
  • Use 3D technologies efficiently in your company.

Digitise your suppliers:

  • Manuals for vendors with guidelines to meet brand-specific requirements
  • Optimised processes to meet market demand
  • Customised consultations by neutral, 3rd party
Designer sitting against wall with laptop

The Hohenstein Academy

A free registration grants access to topic overviews from experts who have done the research and are committed to knowledge transfer.
Apparel engineer teaching student with fabric swatches and tablet


Hands on training for fit and pattern development – at our location or yours.
Hohenstein engineer and designer view digital design on a screen

Customised consulting

Partnering with our clothing engineers is like adding an expert to your team when you need one.

Textile expertise. To the point.

Hohenstein is a neutral partner in all kinds of testing, certification and research with a focus on textiles. We work passionately to ensure that products come to market reliably and safely.